Manatee Lagoon, FPL Eco-Discovery Center • W. Palm Beach

It doesn’t cost a penny to visit Florida Power & Light Companys Manatee Lagoon, but you will leave with a wealth of fun and facts! For decades, manatees– the gentle giants of tropical marine life– have been attracted to the warm-water discharges of FPLs energy center, following a watery travel route that mother manatees have taught to manatee calves.

The best opportunity to witness these remarkable at Manatee Lagoon is November through March when local water temperatures drop to below 68 degrees, but there are loads of enlightening exhibits all year round. At Manatee Lagoon, test your knowledge of science and nature and learn about the role FPL is playing in the manatees migratory habits.

Manatee Lagoon is dedicated to educating people about manatees and Lake Worth Lagoon, and inspiring communities to preserve and protect Florida’s environment and wildlife for future generations. This is truly one of Palm Beach Countys fun and engaging family-friendly attractions to open your eyes and mind to the wonderful world of manatees.

Visit: 6000 N. Flagler Drive, West Palm Beach, FL 33407

561-MANATEE, 561-626-2833l;