Brae Loch Inn • Cazenovia, Upstate New York

Brae Loch Inn once operated in an old farmhouse located in Borodino, New York, overlooking Skaneateles Lake. In 1950 it moved to picturesque Cazenovia Lake. The inn features twelve overnight rooms with modern conveniences of home. Continental breakfast is included.

On Thursday and Friday evenings, Brae Loch Inn hosts live music from local musicians. They have the largest selection of Single Malt Scotch in Central New York and a Scotch Club that that hosts informational Scotch tastings every other month. Their dining rooms are cozy and their menu items boast a Scottish and French theme. There’s even a Bloody Mary Bar! They host weddings, business meetings and other special events.

Visit: 5 Albany Street, Cazenovia, New York; 315-655-3431;